How to install/Upgrade the latest Xcode on Mac OS

If you are trying to install the latest Xcode, then the first thing you face is not getting the required version in the Apple store. Apple store contains only the old stable version. if you found the latest version in any way then you will face insufficient storage even if there is enough space available in the system. In this blog. I will show you all possible issues and solutions while installing/ Updating the latest Xcode on Mac OS.
Let’s start.

Step 1: Open the developer site of Apple on Your Favourite browser. Click Here
and Search needed Xcode version, click on view Details, and download it. Here I am downloading Xcode version 14.1.

Figure: Apple developer site

Step 2: Once your download completes. Double-click on the .xip file. If it is installing the Xcode, then congratulations to you. You are really lucky. But if you are getting not enough storage messages then first, delete unnecessary files and folders if you have them. Then Click on Go > Go to Folder and search ~/Library/Developer/Xcode and delete DerivedData and iOS Device Logs folder.

Figure 1: Path search
Figure 2: Go to Folder
Figure 3: Xcode Cache Folders

Step 3: Now Create a folder in downloads and open the terminal on it. and run the following command for 30 seconds and kill the command.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=temp_20GB_file bs=1024 count=$[1024 * 1024 * 20]

The above command creates a file of size 20 GB. Now delete the folder that you have just created. Now restart your Mac and then try to install Xcode. This time I am pretty sure you will your new Xcode.

I hope, this blog really helped you to fix your issue. if you have any queries or suggestions. You can connect with us through the contact section. We are also available on YouTube. Don’t forget to share and subscribe to us. Thank you for your valuable time. Have a nice day ahead.

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